The Introvert Advantage was insightful on a few points, particularly regarding characteristics of introvert behavior that I had never before attributed to introvertism. I also enjoyed the chapter describing the scientific studies relating to introverts, including the ideas that an introvert’s brain chemistry uses acetylcholine more so than an extrovert, who uses dopamine. I would have found a more in-depth coverage of the science useful, especially with more references for which to follow-up.

The rest of the book is a therapy session on accepting yourself for who you are and accommodating your natural tendencies, making concessions with your spouse, your boss, and your friends, and the rest of the typical soft language of social science. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Further, I found some assumptions rather offensive, as the author made gross generalizations about who provides the financial stability in a partnership (the man), and how to manage with children (with the assumption that all families are structured “traditionally”).

Recommended to fellow introverts out there who need methods of coping socially. Otherwise, if you’re happy and satisfied with your introversion, it’s probably not worth the read.